Post-Op Instructions

During your early post-procedure period you will be provided with the appropriate medication and care needed for recovery. In the early post-procedural period following a joint replacement surgery your active involvement is necessary for a quick and successful recovery.

Day of surgery

You will remain in the recovery room for approximately two hours for monitoring after your surgery and then be transferred to your hospital room. If you are having a same day procedure, you will remain in recovery.

Incision Care

A waterproof bandage will be placed over your incision during surgery. The purpose of this dressing is to promote wound healing. Do not remove this dressing for 7 days from your date of surgery, unless instructed otherwise. After one week, the waterproof bandage and cover with dry gauze dressing daily and as needed. You may shower as usual. If staples are used, they will be removed at your initial post-operative visit. You will receive further instruction in the hospital.


Dr. Srinivasan will prescribe pain medications to ensure your comfort after surgery. To prevent some of the unwanted side effects, you will also be provided with a daily stool softener. To protect the implants from infection, you will be prescribed antibiotics. You will also be placed on a blood thinner for 2-4 weeks to reduce the risk of clot formation after your surgery.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy will begin in the hospital. Therapy will teach you specific exercises to strengthen and protect your new joint as well as restore its range of motion. You will also be advised on a home exercise program after your discharge from the hospital.

Follow Up

Your post-operative follow up appointment will be found in your surgical folder.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Srinivasan's team.